© Australasian Study of Parliament Group
Requests for permission to reproduce material from the Australasian Parliamentary Review should be directed to the Editor.
ISSN 1447-9125
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From your Editor, Colleen Lewis
A Case for a Parliamentary Privileges Act for New South Wales
Stephen Frappell (page 8)25 Years of Civil Society Engagement and Participation in the Work of Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly Committees
Andréa Cullen (page 26)Papers from the 2014 ASPG Annual Conference
The High Court on Election Funding – Legitimate Ends and the Validity of Reforms
Anne Twomey (page 52)Parliaments without Parties
Liam Weeks (page 61)Cultural Adaptation of the Westminster Model: Some Examples from Fiji and Samoa
Richard Herr (page 72)Parliamentary Speech and the Location of Decision-making
David Blunt (page 83)Beyond Numbers: The Role of Specialised Parliamentary Bodies in Promoting Gender Equality
Marian Sawer (page 105)Participation and Power: Aboriginal Representation and Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly 1974-2014
Michael Tatham (page 123)Disability, Inclusion and Democracy – an Uncomfortable Fit
David Gibson (page 154)Chapter seminars
Politics in Parliament: Is it Overrated?
Harry Phillips (page 164)Chronicles
From the Tables – July-December 2014
Robyn Smith (page 172)Book reviews
Cradle of Australian Political Studies – Sydney’s Department of Government
Jennifer Aldred (page 182)Australia 1901-2001: A Narrative History
David Clune (page 184)