Refereed and non-refereed articles

The Australasian Parliamentary Review publishes refereed and non-refereed scholarly articles. Authors must indicate, at the time of first submission, if they wish their paper to be subjected to a double blind review process. Peer reviewed papers will be identified as such.

If authors do not indicate, it will be assumed that they do not want their paper peer reviewed.

Submissions should be sent to the APR editor Sarah Moulds email: [email protected].

Length of article
Articles should be between 5000–6000 words, including references and footnotes.

The editor may accept slightly shorter or longer articles.

Title page
A separate title page should state clearly the author’s name, title(s) and affiliations (including former affiliations where relevant to the article).

All articles to have an abstract of approximately 150 words.

Page numbering
All pages, except for the title page, are to be consecutively numbered, commencing with 1.

They are to appear at the top right hand of each page.

Referencing style
For in text referencing and references at the end of the article, please adopt APA Version 6. A link to the APA central site is provided below:

Headings, sub-headings and paragraphs

  • Flush left with no preceding numbers or letters
  • No indentation on sub-headings and paragraphs
  • Use paragraph styles for heading level identification
  • UK English spelling should be used (not American).

As per APA 6.

Line spacing


Font size

12pt and in a font that is clear to read.

Tables and figures

All tables and figures are to be numbered and their source and author to be included directly below the figure or table, even when the author of the article produced the table or figure.

Referencing and Citations

Please keep to a minimum and insert footnotes at the bottom of the relevant page (not at the end of the article). Contributing Authors are requested to ensure that their submissions comply with the following APR Style Guide for Footnotes. Non-complying submissions will be returned to authors for revision.

1. Footnotes

Use footnotes rather than in-text referencing or endnotes. Add footnotes using the footnote function in Word.

Where a source is included in a footnote for the first time, it should be set out as shown in the relevant example below.

2. Specific Pages

Footnotes should specify page numbers where possible if material is drawn from a specific part of a document or text. Where material from specific pages is cited or quoted, page numbers should be added following a comma at the end of the footnote reference (e.g., D. Woodhouse, Ministers and Parliament: Accountability in Theory and Practice. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994, pp. 3-5.).

3. Second and Subsequent Footnotes to the Same Work

Where a work is referenced in more than one footnote, the second and subsequent footnotes should use an abbreviated form of the author and title, along with the page number/s where necessary (e.g., Woodhouse, Ministers and Parliament, p. 12).

4. Format for Common Types of Source

Use the information and examples given below for common source types. For any source type not specifically included below (pamphlets, correspondence, transcripts etc.), include the most comprehensive possible identifying information about its author, title, format, location and date.

4.1 Parliamentary speeches

Format: Speaker, Jurisdiction, Title of Hansard record, House, date, p. ? (or pp. ?-?).

Example: T. Smith, Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 21 February 2019, pp. 14290-14291

4.2 Legislation

References to Bills, Regulations and Acts of Parliament can be included in the main text of an article, rather than in a footnote, where this does not unduly interrupt the flow of the sentence in which it appears. References to Australian (national, state and territory) legislation in the main text or the footnotes should follow the citation format found in Chapter 3 of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, fourth edition (see For example, A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Consequential Related Measures) Act (No 1) 1999 (Cth) s 1.

References to legislation from other countries should follow the citation format found in later chapters of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, fourth edition.

NB Do not use the Australian Guide to Legal Citation citation style for any of the sources (books etc.) identified in sections 4.1 or 4.4 to 4.8 of this document.

4.3 Cases

For legal cases, use the citation format found in the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, fourth edition (see Most of the useful guidance can be found in Chapter 2 of the Guide (but on occasions other chapters such as 10-12, 15-26 will be helpful, depending on the cases cited).

NB Do not use the Australian Guide to Legal Citation citation style for any of the sources (books etc.) identified in sections 4.1 or 4.4 to 4.8 of this document.

4.4 Web Pages

Format: Author/s. ‘Title’. Accessed at: URL.

Example: Department of the Legislative Assembly, Parliament of New South Wales, ‘About Petitions’. Accessed at:

4.5 Books

Format: Author/s, Title. Place of publication: Publisher, date.

Example: Malcolm Mackerras, Australian General Elections. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1972.

4.6 Chapters in Edited Books

Format: Author/s, ‘Chapter Title’, in Editor (ed/eds), Title. Place of publication: Publisher, date, pp. ?-?.

Example: Murray Goot, ‘Distrustful, Disenchanted and Disengaged? Polled Opinion on Politics, Politicians and the Parties: an Historical Perspective’, in David Burchell and Andrew Leigh (eds), The Prince’s New Clothes: Why Do Australians Dislike Their Politicians?. Sydney: UNSW Press, 2002, pp. 9-46.

4.7 Journal Articles

Format: Author/s, ‘Article Title’. Journal Title volume(number) year, pp. ?-?.

Example: Zoe Hutchinson, ‘The Role, Operation and Effectiveness of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights after Five Years’. Australasian Parliamentary Review 33(1) 2018, pp. 72-107.

4.8 News Articles

Format: Author/s, ‘Article Title’. Publication Title, date, p. ?.

Example: S. Elks and M. McKenna, ‘Row Over Rushed Voting Changes’. The Australian, 22 April 2016, p. 2.

Where articles in online news services are cited, the url should be included (for example: David Clune, ‘The NSW Experience with Minority Government? It’s an Improvement’. Sydney Morning Herald, 16 March 2019. Accessed at:

Where a news item has no identified author, use the following format: ‘Globalisation’s Losers: The Right Way to Help Declining Places’. The Economist, 21 October 2017. Accessed at:

Website referencing
Please adopt APA Version 6. References should be at the very end of the article after appendices and/or notes.

Authors must not use copyrighted material without the appropriate permission.