Australasian Parliamentary Review

Autumn 2000. Vol 14, No. 2

© Australasian Study of Parliament Group. Requests for permission to reproduce material from Australasian Parliamentary Review should be directed to the Editor.


Title Author

According to script: the media and the 1999 New South Wales State Election

Tony Smith

Explaining the Unexplainable: Political Communication and Parties

Rodney Cavalier

Lost opportunities: the Australian House of Representatives, its Speakers and immediate supplementary questions

Stephen Redenbach

Notes and Reviews. Different Voices, Gender and Politics in Australia

Jennifer Curtin

Notes and Reviews. Language in German Political Discourse

R L Cope

Notes and Reviews. Legislative Studies: Notes on its History and Comments on its Future

R L Cope

Notes and Reviews. Reluctant to the Chair? Senator Henry Dobson and the Appointment of the Senate’s First Chairman of Committees

Derek Drinkwater

Political Communication and the Media: A Radio Perspective

Harry Phillips

Political Communication under Focus

R L Cope

Public Perceptions of the New Zealand Parliament

Marcus Ganley

To consult or not to consult? That is the question

Joy Quigley

When is a Communication ‘Political’?

Michael Chesterman