© Australasian Study of Parliament Group

Requests for permission to reproduce material from the Australasian Parliamentary Review  should be directed to the Editor.

ISSN 1447-9125

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From your editor, Elaine Thompson

Representation, Participation And Engagement

Generational Change and Participation
Colin James

Community Engagement in a Parliamentary Context – The Queensland Experience
Glenda Emmerson

The Parliament of the People?

A Survey of the Role of Parliamentary Education in Australian Parliaments – Part 1
Graham Spindler

A Survey of the Role of Parliamentary Education in Australian Parliaments – Part 2
Graham Spindler

Restoring the ‘Grassroots’
Christopher Pyne

Representation Through the Eyes of the Parliamentarian

The Complexities of Representation: Balancing Interests, Reality and Philosophy
Barnaby Joyce

Engaging in the Future: Overcoming the Limitations of Parliamentary Representation
Tim Barnett and Polly Higbe

Engagement in the Future: Overcoming the Representation in a Pressure Cooker
Tim Nicholls

How Representative is the Parliament?

The Declining Membership of the New Legislative Council Cross Bench and its Implications for Responsible Government
Lynn Lovelock

From Gerry-Built to Purpose-Built: Creating Fair and Equal Electoral Districts in South Australia
Jenni Newton-Farrelly

Changed Representation from a Changed Voting System
Charles Chauvel

Engaging All The People — Minority Groups In and Out of the Parliament

Women in Parliament: Attaining the Idea
John McCulloch

The Diversity of Queensland People – In and Out of the Parliament
Julie Copley

Reconnecting Parliament And The People

Reconnecting Parliament and the People
Margaret Wilson

Institutionalising Deliberative Democracy
Janette Hartz-Karp and Michael K. Brian

Keynote Address: Advance Australia: The Turning Tide of Popular Political Engagement
Hugh Mackay

President’s Report 2008
Kevin Rozzoli


Homosexual Law Reform in the Parliament of the United Kingdom: The Case of Earl Winterton, the ‘Father of the House’
Kate Gleeson

Election report

The 2008 Western Australian State Election: The Snap Poll Blunder
Harry Phillips

The Western Australian Election of September 6, 2008: The First Chink in Labor’s Armour
William Bowe

The 2009 Queensland Election: The Beginning of The End?
Scott Prasser

Book reviews

Andrew Fisher: Prime Minister of Australia
James Jupp

Gough Whitlam, A Moment in History
Elaine Thompson

Making Women Count: A History of the Women’s Electoral Lobby in Australia
Helen Pringle