© Australasian Study of Parliament Group

Requests for permission to reproduce material from the Australasian Parliamentary Review  should be directed to the Editor.

ISSN 1447-9125

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The Problems of Political and Parliamentary Leadership
Bruce Hawker


The Subsequent Use by an Author of Their Written Submission to a Parliamentary Committee: Issues of Ownership, Law, Privilege, Contempt and Practicality
Paul Grant

Royal Assent in Victoria
Kate Murray

Accountability or Inability: To What Extent does House of Representatives Question Time Deliver Executive Accountability Comparative to other Parliamentary Chambers? Is there Need for Reform?
Andrew McGowan

The Purpose, Practice and Effects of Petitioning the Victorian Parliament
Karen Ellingford

General articles

An Optimum Model for the Governance of Parliaments?
June Verrier

Parliamentary Committee Roles in Facilitating Public Policy at the Commonwealth Level
John Halligan

Executive Accountability to Parliament — Reality or Rhetoric?
Peter Loney

Wither Federalism: The Consequences and Sustainability of the High Court’s Interpretation of Commonwealth Powers
Angus J. O’Brien

Parliamentary reports and legislation

Queensland’s Freedom of Information Inquiry
David Solomon

Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs: Rights of the Terminally Ill (Euthanasia Laws Repeal) Bill 2008

Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006

A Parliamentary-Style Question Period: Proposals and Issues for Congress
Matthew E. Glassman

Parliamentary chronicles

Report of the Victorian Branch on Aspects of the Victorian Parliament since the 2006 election
Judy Maddigan and Sarah Hysop

Northern Territory Parliamentary Report
Robyn Smith

Western Australian Parliamentary Report
Liz Kerr and Harry Phillips

Book review

Paul Davey, Politics in the Blood
John Kerin