© Australasian Study of Parliament Group

Requests for permission to reproduce material from the Australasian Parliamentary Review  should be directed to the Editor.

ISSN 1447-9125

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From the editor, Elaine Thompson


The Greens as a New Party in the Victorian Parliament
Sue Pennicuik

Research paper

Parliamentary Committees are Important in Developing Policy: Evidence from a Queensland Case Study
Lyndel Bates


The Australian Parliament and Climate Change: Are the Institutions Inadequate?
Aynsley Kellow

Parliamentary Privilege and Public Interest Disclosures
Mark Rodrigues

Appointing the Premier in a Hung Parliament — the Tasmanian Governor’s Choice
Anne Twomey

The Enigmatic Parliament — Why the Northern Territory could Never Achieve Statehood2
Robyn Smith

Unicameralism: The Strange Eventful Death of the Legislative Council of New Zealand
H. Kumarasingham

The Development of Legislative Institutions in NSW 1823 — 1843
David Clune


A Petitions Committee for Queensland — An Idea whose Time has Come
Karen Sampford

The Role of the Clerk in Releasing the Record of Parliamentary Proceedings: Identifying and Controlling the Risks
Val Barrett

Parliament’s Watchdogs — New Zealand ‘s Officers of Parliament
Lesley Ferguson

Commonwealth – State Financial Relations and the Rudd Labor Government
Paige Darby

Is Parliamentary Privilege Incompatible with a Modern View of the Public Interest?
Isla Macphail

Technical Scrutiny of Bills in New Zealand
Tim Workman

Parliamentary chronicles

Western Australia Parliamentary Chronicle: July 2008 to July 2010
Liz Kerr and Harry C J Phillips