© Australasian Study of Parliament Group

Requests for permission to reproduce material from the Australasian Parliamentary Review  should be directed to the Editor.

ISSN 1447-9125

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News and Notes


The Challenges Facing our Parliaments: How can we improve their performance?
Robert Hazell

Performance Indicators for the Parliament – Sharp or blunt instruments of reform?
Malcolm Aldons

‘Build your House of Parliament upon the River’: The New South Wales Parliament under siege
Gareth Griffith and Mark Swinson

Managing the Political Environment: Issues arising in the provision of information and research services to members of Parliament
June R. Verrier

Parliament 2000 -Towards a modern committee system

Paul Reynolds

Parliamentary Committees in Queensland
Wayne Goss

Kicking the Cornerstone of Responsible Government Legislators’ perspectives – the case of commercial-in-confidence
Cleaver Elliott and Peter Keele

Permanent Commissions of Inquiry and the Parliamentary Interface
John Hatzistergos

Public Sector Attitudes to Parliamentary Committees: A chairman’s view
Max Trenorden

Marketing Parliamentary Committees
John Uhr

Increasing Public Participation in the Work of Parliamentary Committees
Robyn Webber

Parliamentary Committees in New Zealand: A house continuously reforming itself
Elizabeth McLeay

Select Committees and their Role in Keeping Parliament Relevant: Do New Zealand select committees make a difference?
Marcus Ganley

Radical Democracy on Committees in an MMP Parliament
Liz Gordon

The Three Committee Systems of the Australian Parliament – A developmental overview?
John Halligan, John Power and Robin Miller

Senate Estimates Committees
John Hogg

The Grand Inquest of the Nation – A notion of the past?
Neil Laurie

Book pages

True Believers – the Story of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, edited by John Faulkner and Stuart Macintyre
Joan Rydon

Liberalism and the Australian Federation, edited by J.R. Nethercote
Joan Rydon

The People’s Protest, by K. Jones
John Warhurst

The Sentimental Nation: The Making of the Australian Commonwealth, by John Hirst
A W Martin

Reforming The House of Lords: Lessons from Overseas by Meg Russell
Gareth Griffith

Bundestag MPs 1946-61 (abbreviated translation), edited by Martin Schumacher
R L Cope

William John McKell: Boilermaker, Premier, Governor-General by Christopher Cunneen
Rodney Smith

John Maynard Keynes: Fighting for Britain 1937-46 by Robert Skidelsky
Mark Thomas

Ornamentalism: How the British Saw Their Empire by David Cannadine
Mark Thomas

Culture of a Parliamentary Bureaucracy: Can Fiction be Fact?
A note by R L Cope